Monday, April 26, 2010

Things I have learned from the (ignorant) people I work with

1) If you read it on the internet then it must be true.
2) Everyone wants to hear about your drunken stories even though you aren't in college anymore.
3) Just because you think marijuana should have been legalized a long time ago makes it ok to smoke it.
4) Everything I can do they can do better.
5) It is illegal to talk on your cell phone while you drive.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I'd rather sit on a porcupine than say goodbye to people

Ok I have to admit it.. I still watch Real World.
I don't think I have missed a season since early high school.
Thank goodness I can record it now and not have to plan my week around it...

This season they were in DC and I don't really think they worked like they have on other seasons. Which made me quite jealous. I'd love to live in an awesome house (with a whole room full of love sacs) and make new friends in a new city and not work.

Tonight I watched the last episode and the token gay guy said "I'd rather sit on a porcupine than say goodbye to people" and I couldn't agree more. Ugh.. I HATE saying goodbye. I have such a hard time letting go of people I've become good friends with.. I guess that explains why I am still holding on to a situation that most people would have given up on forever ago.