Friday, June 4, 2010

39% remaining

battery is running on the low side so this might be a quick one... depending on how fast I can type.

I'll start off with my randomness and see where this takes me...

I missed the scanner. It's owner took it to work with him.. but not tonight, so it is all mine.

Today was the last day of my job. They said I could come back if I change my mind to which I walked even faster out the door. No, thank you.

I HATE canker sores. Ouch, OUCH, OUCH!! I have one on the inside of my top left lip and one on the inside on the right of my lower lip. And they won't go away :(

When I have children I will brush their teeth and floss their teeth, even their baby teeth, so they don't end up with cavities because currently my 5 cavities are one of the things I think about when I lay awake at night unable to sleep. I still need to call the dentist and schedule them to be filled but I guess that will wait until Monday.

As nice as this is to have a blog I think I may start my own super secret personal journal with good old fashioned pen and paper. There are some things that the rest of the world doesn't really need to potentially know even though I only have 2 followers.

Two weeks from today we will be done with rehearsal dinner and going to sleep for the last time unmarried. I cannot wait to marry the man of my dreams, mister wedding researcher who even dug out some etiquette books in an attempt to make the perfect (and I know it will be perfect) toast on our wedding day. He is the BEST.

I've gotten so used to doing things alone or just with my man. What am I ever going to do if I have friends again? Guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.. maybe J can be my bff when she is done with the academy. I'd like that. It has made me more brave and independent (but deep down inside I am still scared of everything and want to have people to spend time with).

I ate lots of junk today... lots. My breakfast was perfect as always (sandwich thin, natural peanut butter, banana, skim milk) but after that it was downhill, some peaches, 1/2 a pancake with syrup, a chocolate muffin, a full fat string cheese, some goldfish crackers, a scotcheroo, some of my delicious homemade macaroni and cheese, an orange (ok, not all bad), a couple apple slices, a drink of gross punch, a whole grain chocolate chip cookie... some baked cheddar and sour cream chips, mostacolli with meatballs, a small salad and a tiny piece of bread... followed by a (shared) fruit slush........... and some lemon sorbet gelato. Gross. And typing this all just made me feel even more disgusting. Tomorrow I will eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein and water, because who are we kidding.. I am not a sumo wrestler, I am an almost bride.

I think that is enough for tonight.

Goodnight world.
Much love, R.

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