Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dear nameless lady,

You were in my 5:30am workout class this morning.

You come sometimes... and you are usually not putting in nearly enough effort to make it worth you waking up that early.

And what was with that look you had on your face during everything we did today??

The class is called "Get Up and Go" not "Come to the YMCA and wear your SOURPUSS face for everyone to see when they look in the mirror".

Let's step it up a notch or stay in bed, eh?

Love, Rach

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Reason #529...

why Marisa and I are going to move to Arizona and have some sort of job that deals with puppies...

Pearl and I went to puppy playtime this morning and met 2 french bulldogs. I was trying to get Pearl to distract their owner so we could steal them both but no such luck. There is always next week!

Monday, February 15, 2010

I have a feeling our future kids will be wise beyond their years

Scene: Ned and Pearl are in the kitchen. Ned is covering the leftovers with aluminum foil and Pearl is supervising. A piece of foil falls to the ground and Pearl being the vacuum cleaner she thinks she is checks it out to see if she wants to eat it...

Ned: "What's that Pearl?" (referring to the small piece of foil)
Pearl: *tilts head*
Ned: "Oh, that's foil, don't eat that Pearl. People put heroin in foil, there could be heroin in there."

Sometimes I am afraid to think of what our kids will tell their friends at school...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I've got 5 minutes until the benadryl kicks in..

Sometimes you tell yourself it is ok to eat 2 cupcakes because you got up at 4:30am to go work out and then spent 15 minutes be chased and chasing 20 4 year old rays of sunshine at work.

Sometimes you forgot what lotions you have an allergic reaction to (thus the benadryl).

Sometimes you don't mind doing something totally ridiculous that is a giant waste of time, such as a new employee orientation session, just because it gets your away from your typical crappy routine in a job you don't love.

Sometimes just one thing can make you smile for the whole day, like seeing a 3 year old walking out of school holding hands with his mom who just came back from Kuwait and surprised him by picking him up at school.

Sometimes you realize that you can get a lot more satisfaction from volunteering where you actually feel like you are making a difference and helping people even if you are working harder than you do when you get paid.

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you marry one.

And sometimes you cannot keep your eyes open any longer, even if something in Cafe World might spoil if you don't stay up and serve it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

10 items of brief rambling

Sometimes I can never turn off the constant random thoughts that pop into my head... so I shall type them tonight..

1) I can't stand when people don't clear any remaining time off of the microwave.. this especially drives me crazy at work when I look to see what time it is and see "0:47."

2) Things/shows that make me cry like Biggest Loser, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, and there used to be an American Cancer Society commercial about being the official sponsor of birthdays that used to get me EVERY TIME. I guess this just means no one can say that I'm not a softy even if 99.9% of what I say is filled with sarcasm.

3) I see strangers, acquaintances and friends who aren't taking responsibility for their health and I just want to smack some sense into them and tell them to get it together! I just want people to be healthy.. I suppose that is why when I grow up I want to be a dietitian.

4) Sending someone a little gift just because. I sent my bff a coat like my favorite coat and I knew that it would be delivered today. It made me so happy to hear her voice and how happy she was to get a surprise and know that someone was thinking about her and loves her like I do :)

5) Slamming doors... thank you loud neighbors for being inconsiderate. You are so very rude.

6) Snow days. I never thought I would care about snow days ever again but now that I have a job where if our school district is closed I get to stay home reminds me of crossing my fingers for no school and being oh so happy to here the phone ring before my alarm went off meaning my mom's district didn't have school and likely neither did mine.

7) I will be in bed by 9:30, I will be in bed by 9:30, I will be in bed by 9:30.

8) Ned always tells me I am a "marketer's dream". Today I again proved him right by seeing a clinique ad and immediately going to their website and planning my next purchase. I am out of one thing.. why not buy 2 others because their ad in cosmo looked cool?

9) Maybe most people would be annoyed that there glasses were licked by a puppy. Not me. I'll wash them when I get ready for bed, but for now they make me happy because I have the best puppy in the world and apparently she loves me enough to kiss my glasses.

10) Pearl loves crocs... so much that she slept with her face in my mom's croc:

Wouldn't she look cute in a bed like this:

Pearl loves slippers

And socks...

Now if only we could teach her to do laundry.. or at least take the laundry to the laundry room.

What's for snaaack?

Sometimes I just have to laugh... like after I have answered the same question one million times.

Here is a minute of a day in the life of my job:

Teacher: Ok friends, it is snack time.

Young chubby, adorable "friend" to me: Is it snack time?
Me: Nope, it is supper time. It isn't really 9:45 am, it is actually 6:00pm.. go wash your hands for supper.
Friend: No, it is breakfast time.
Me: Yes, let's have breakfast. Go wash your hands.
Friend: No, we already HAD breakfast.
Me: Yes, we did.. now what comes after breakfast?!
Friend: SNAACK!!!! Today is snack time!!!
and just when I think I am in the clear from answering questions...

God I love this kid. He makes my day. Sometimes I wish I were 4 again.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Not me Monday

I certainly didn't hit the snooze so many times that I had 15 minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast, take the dog out, pack a lunch, and brush my teeth. Nope, Not me!

I didn't forget to take my keys out of the other car and bring them inside. I didn't have to scramble to find the spare house key and the spare car key. And I didn't secretly hope that I couldn't find either so I wouldn't have to go to work. Nope, Not me!

I didn't debating wheeling the snack cart out of one of the the classroom where the teachers help themselves to the food for the kids today to see if a teacher would follow me since she hadn't gotten a muffin yet. Nope. Not me!! And of course I didn't give her a rude smile when she took 2. Never... Not me.

And just like any other day of the week, I most definitely did not debate quitting my job on the spot after hearing that the branch executive director came into the kitchen to see what smelled good... and when she noticed I wasn't there and asked one of the teachers where I was and she again said she wouldn't be surprised if I had quit already (citing the history of my position). Nope. NOT ME!


Sometimes you win... sometimes you lose....
Sometimes you are the windshield and sometimes you are the bug.

Sometimes you just need a blog to type your endless ramblings in.

And sometimes when you think that you dislike the city you live in because you now dislike the people you once thought were genuine... you find an awesome friend who takes you to fun places and some somewhat shady places, introduces you to her group of friends and calls you her "sister", AND likes the fact that you want to blog (even though your fiance makes fun of you)...

Sometimes you win :)