Monday, February 8, 2010

Not me Monday

I certainly didn't hit the snooze so many times that I had 15 minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast, take the dog out, pack a lunch, and brush my teeth. Nope, Not me!

I didn't forget to take my keys out of the other car and bring them inside. I didn't have to scramble to find the spare house key and the spare car key. And I didn't secretly hope that I couldn't find either so I wouldn't have to go to work. Nope, Not me!

I didn't debating wheeling the snack cart out of one of the the classroom where the teachers help themselves to the food for the kids today to see if a teacher would follow me since she hadn't gotten a muffin yet. Nope. Not me!! And of course I didn't give her a rude smile when she took 2. Never... Not me.

And just like any other day of the week, I most definitely did not debate quitting my job on the spot after hearing that the branch executive director came into the kitchen to see what smelled good... and when she noticed I wasn't there and asked one of the teachers where I was and she again said she wouldn't be surprised if I had quit already (citing the history of my position). Nope. NOT ME!

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